■ Taxonomic and Host Catalogue of the Tachinidae of America North of Mexico
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Genus Dexia Meigen, 1826

DEXIA Meigen, 1826: 33. Type species: Musca rustica Fabricius, 1775, by designation under Plenary Powers of ICZN, 1988: 74 [Palearctic].
DEXILLA Westwood, 1840: 140. Type species: Musca rustica Fabricius, 1775, by original designation [Palearctic].

ventralis Aldrich, 1925.– Eastern Palearctic; introduced and established in New Jersey (S&A, 1965).
– Dexia ventralis Aldrich, 1925b: 33. Type data: holotype male (USNM). Type locality: Korea, Suigen. Type host: scarabaeid beetle.

Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 176), as Dexilla ventralis (Aldrich)*
Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae
Maladera castanea (Arrow), Phyllophaga spp., Popillia japonica Newman


Arnaud, P.H., Jr. 1978. A host-parasite catalog of North American Tachinidae (Diptera). United States Department of Agriculture. Miscellaneous Publication 1319: 1–860.

*Host names (family and species) have not been changed from those given in Arnaud (1978). Each host is listed under the appropriate current tachinid name, with the tachinid name used in Arnaud (1978) cited if different from the current one. For more information about Arnaud (1978), and to see a complete list of tachinid names used in that work and their modern equivalents, click here.

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